Course Description

Sundance Brennan
VP of Training and Sales
Sundance has been in sales for more than 20 years, written books, given speeches and been on the front lines closing deals the entire time. He loves his wife and 4 children who have names as unique as his because he believes it builds character. He got into sales by accident but realized that it was his lifelong quest to use the Jedi Mind Trick for the power of good and to teach others to do the same. It has yet to work on his wife, but he carries on.
Course curriculum
Welcome to AFN Consumer Direct Sales Training!
Hello AFN - Consumer Direct!
Welcome to the course!
A message from your instructor.
A general guide to navigating this course and it's system.
To help keep the course relevant we have 3 quick questions...
Initial Call
The first 30 seconds of the call
Branding Like a Pro
Pulling Credit
Sales Tips - Practical
3 Tips to Overcome the Holiday Waiting Objection